Interest Rates
Featured Rates:
AG Equipment Loans
as low as
AG Mortgages
as low as
*Rates subject to change without notice. Some conditions apply, ask your advisor for details!
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Savings & Investments
Classic | 0.25% |
Enriched under $4,999.99 balance |
0.50% |
Enriched balance $5,000 and over |
1.00% |
Unauthorized overdraft rate: 30%
Premium Savings
$0 - $4,999.99
0.50% |
Premium Savings
$5,000.00 and over
1.00% |
1 year fixed | 2.93% |
2 year fixed | 2.99% |
3 year fixed | 2.90% |
4 year fixed | 2.91% |
5 year fixed | 3.02% |
Foreign Exchange
USD - Cash rates only | 1.4575 | 1.3855 |
USD - cheque rate less than $1,000 | 1.4410 | 1.4140 |
Sterling Pound - Cash rate only | 1.8949 | 1.8049 |
Euro - Cash rate only | 1.5882 | 1.5022 |
Mexican Peso - cash rates only | 0.0744 | 0.0684 |
*Rates are provided for information purposes only. Foreign currencies will need to be ordered and the rate may differ upon receipt.

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